The early morning ambiance is blissfully pleasing, with the water touching the seashore and birds chirping, at the tweak of dawn. As the first rays of the rising sun peek from behind the clouds, Mr. Krishna begins his day by embracing the rising sun and practicing Surya Namaskar on his GRIP Yoga Mat. The mat is non-toxic and hence safe to use for a longer duration. The optimum thickness of the mat ensures that the knees, elbows, back, and spine have comfortable cushioning while doing various yoga poses.
The anti-slip feature of the GRIP Yoga Mat is also very beneficial for using the Yoga Mat on any other surfaces, which has a skidding tendency. What is more convenient about the GRIP Yoga Mat bought by Mr. Krishna is that, now he can easily fold the Yoga Mat and carry it in the grip yoga bag, which came along with the Yoga Mat. And the trendy design is suitable for any location.